Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Well I am happy!

Yes I have lost 4lbs last night I am so happy I could burst. I am very positive and motivated after image therapy and everyone was the same. There were LOTS of people joining too I wish they would all continue but sadly the numbers decrease as they lose interest or don't follow the plan and give up. It must be so frustrating for the consultants who really want to help everyone get to their goal. At least these people are giving it a go, there are many people who won't even think about losing weight., they feel they can't and unfortunately nothing will change. I was one of those people last year and I threw all my smaller clothes away which would have fitted me now. If you are one of those people who are considering it I say to you just try it. There are many deals around where it is free to join and the people at the group are all in the same place or have been in the same place as you. It won't be an easy ride I am not going to lie to you and say it's all easy, as you may have points where you stick for a few weeks, but then it happens and you get there. You just need to follow the plan exactly as it says...
Soapbox finished for today ;)

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