Monday 3 December 2012

I'll have the beef...

Woohoo the beef roast meal worked. So did the horse radish and yorkshires too. All very yummy
I must admit though not necessarily 3rd super-free the cauliflower and carrots were but Andrew served it up and I still think I need to educate him on 3rds and what is super-free  The whole meal was soooo  nice though and I felt like I could enjoy it fairly guilt free as such low syns (please see past posts for recipes).
I also can report that I have lost 2.5lbs this week and now have 5.5lbs to get to target I think this blogging lark is officially working :D will I get to target for Christmas....
Look out for tomorrow as I will post the almond biscuits and will the slimming groups like them????

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